Amy E. Harmon
Emeritus Member
Amy E. Harmon (Emeritus) graduated from Northwestern University in 1996 (BS – Theater), and credits Coach Laurie Schiller, Armorer Cathy Weigley, Assistant Coach Ed Kaihatsu, and the kick-ass women and men of the NU fencing team with introducing her to the joys of violence. She was a BWBTC company member from 2002-2017, but is forever a Babe at heart! During her tenure, she served as Managing Director (2005-14) and interim Finance Director (2015-17), in addition to taking shifts as PR Coordinator, Grant Writer, Fighting Words (then called NPDP) Coordinator, and production manager on several shows. She had the immense pleasure of appearing in many BWBTC productions, among them Macbeth (Macduff), A Gulag Mouse (Masha), L’Imbecile (Priestess/Gypsy), Titus Andronicus (Titus) and 180 Degree Rule (Ruth Alice Bennett). She also achieved Advanced Actor/Combatant status with the SAFD, holding SPT certificates in knife, broadsword, unarmed, rapier & dagger, small sword (EAE), quarterstaff, single sword, and sword & shield.