Patti Moore
Emeritus Member
After moving to the Windy City to study in Second City’s Conservatory program, Patti made her Chicago debut as ‘Sylvia’ in Babes With Blades’ world premiere production of Witch Slap!. No stranger to onstage violence from her work at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama, and Theatre Ensemble of Nashville, Patti soon found a home with the Chicago fight community. After becoming an Artistic Associate with Babes With Blades Theatre Company, she continued her fight training and now holds SAFD certificates in broadsword, knife, small sword, and unarmed. She has most recently been seen with broadsword and knife in hand as the villainous ‘Belladonna Crowe’ at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, and will be understudying the role of ‘Katie Dunham’ in BWBTC’s upcoming production of 180 Degree Rule. Thrilled to be a Babe, she is an active member of the marketing committee and editor of Babes With Blogs. Check out her facebook page for the latest news and upcoming projects.